MacKenzie Software

Android - Could not find HelloWorld.apk! - fix

Posted by MacKenzie Software on December 12, 2011
So my first experience of Android development left me frustrated after getting an error trying to launch the  simple Hello World example!

Simple fix - basically when I set up eclipse I forgot to set the JAVA_HOME path variable.

The symptoms are this in the console:
[2011-12-12 22:37:05 - RoryHelloWorld] Android Launch!
[2011-12-12 22:37:05 - RoryHelloWorld] adb is running normally.
[2011-12-12 22:37:05 - RoryHelloWorld] Could not find RoryHelloWorld.apk!

The fix is simple. Open up your machines environment variables (in Vista it's Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables).

In System Variables add a new variable JAVA_HOME set to where your JDK is installed, e.g.

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\

Then add JAVA_HOME to your Path variable. I added:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%; to the end of mine. 

Restart eclipse for the changes to take effect, then the next time you run your app it should work!